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Baduyut Vintage Leather

Packaging / 2016
Cibaduyut located in the southern part of Bandung that became a national icon for leather goods. Every weekend Cibaduyut filled with local visitors and tourists outside Indonesia. Mostly Singapore, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. They sell product from different kinds of leather like cow, sheep, and many more. This is a group project with my colleague Hanivan Ahmad and I choosed to make the primary display panel for each box. We threw the word ‘Ci’ because without it, it still can be a standout name for a brand.

The name was taken from the meaning of Baduyut itself which is a kind of creeping plants. And Ci means ‘water’ in Sundanese. This souvenir was made for leather fans who still believe in Cibaduyut’s quality of handcraft products. The main message we build is “Even Cibaduyut have its ups and downs in the market, but they always be a classic and timeless leather producers.”
Baduyut Vintage Leather


Baduyut Vintage Leather

“Even Cibaduyut have its ups and downs in the market, but they always be a classic and timeless leather producers.”
